Deutsche Agrarpolitik – No 12, 1944

Deutsche Agrarpolitik – No 12, 1944


Deutsche Agrarpolitik – No 12, September/October 1944 -Year 2

rare, last issue.

SKU: DA194412 Categories: , Tags: , ,


This issue is in good condition though it has a few pencil marks and writing on the cover. See photos

Deutsche Agrarpolitik was the successor publication to Walther Darre’s Odal magazine which espoused and championed Darre’s Blut und Boden (blood and soil) ideology.Darre was made Reich Minister for Food and Agriculture in 1933 and acquired the ministries publication Deutsche Agrarpolitik which started in July 1932. In August 1933 Darre revamped and relaunched it as Odal and it stayed this way until December 1942 when Darre’s tenure at the Reich Ministry for Food and Agriculture ended and he was replaced by Herbert Backe.

Backe then reverted the magazine back to its original title of Deutsche Agrarpolitik. Starting afresh from Year 1 it was published from October 1942 to September 1943 (jahrgang 1) and from October 1943 to September 1944 (jahrgang 2). The September 1944 issue was also its last issue.

Backe was a German politician and joined the SS in October 1933 and did various administrative duties until he succeeded Darre. Here he devised and implemented the ‘Hunger Plan’ in which it planned the deliberate starving of the Slavic populations under German control by directing all food supplies to the German home population and the Wehrmacht on the Eastern front. As a result 4.2 million Soviet citizens were starved.

Backe committed suicide at Nuremberg by hanging on the 6 April 1947.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 280 × 210 × 20 cm



275mm x 200mm

Month Published


Year Published



Year 2

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