Illustrierter Beobachter – No 49, 1932

Illustrierter Beobachter – No 49, 1932


This is an original copy of the Illustrierter Beobachter (Illustrated Observer), the NSDAP’s official weekly and highly illustrated publication covering party activities, ideology, culture and social events from a National Socialist point of view.


This issue from 1932 is in fair condition with some age-related tanning throughout. It has been hole punched on the right side for filing. It is also very worn by age along the spine edge, so a bit fragile.

Please note that two pages have been removed from this issue at some time – hence the reduced price.

The cover shows General Karl Litzmann who had joined the Nazi party in 1929 having previously been a member of the SA. He died in May 1936.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Month Published


Year Published



7th Year

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